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Monday, October 27, 2008

scottywhy? (the blog spy) - urban legends of technology

(Note from the editor: For archival purposes (and in keeping with our DIY viral marketing philosophy), I'm reprinting a series of articles originally written for

Published at on Monday, October 27, 2008
(Written by ScottyWhy?)

Halloween is just days away. This time of year is already spooky enough with the ghosts and goblins and all. Modern society is making things scarier by conjuring up a brand new batch of terrors in the world of technology. Someone has to investigate these bone-chilling urban legends and uncover the truth. This sounds like a job for the Halloween Blog Spy.

Urban Legend Of Technology #1. Bill Gates is so rich, he dropped a $1,000 bill and didn't bother to pick it up.It's downright haunting how rich Bill Gates is. He has more disposable income than the "Obama for President" campaign. But this urban legend is just not true. Gate's money is in excellent hands:

Urban Legend Of Technology #2. Excessive cell phone use can cause cancer or other health problems. There is no scientific proof to support this legend. Studies have suggested that excessive cell phone use can turn you into a 16 year old girl:

Urban Legend Of Technology #3. Airport X-rays wipes memory cards clean.Fear not, ladies...airport x-ray machines will not damage your memory cards. The highly-trained security professionals running these machines have far more important uses for this advanced technology:

Urban Legend Of Technology #4. Windows' Japanese edition uses haiku to communicate messages.Not True...but imagine the possibilities if it were. Centuries of Asian wisdom delivered in a simple three line poem. If only I could read Japanese:

These are but a few of the "Urban Legends Of Technology". To learn more, tune into this Thursday's "Sandwich Of Terror" edition of Tech Sandwich!

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