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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Why I Wear Red 4U

(Note from the editor: For archival purposes (and in keeping with our DIY viral marketing philosophy), I'm reprinting a series of articles originally written for

Published at on Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Written by ScottyWhy?

You may have seen Circuit City in the news recently. We've received our share of criticism, in part because we lost sight of what is most important — YOU, our customers. We are 33,000 men and women who are committed to restoring your confidence. A Circuit City Facebook Page was set up as a place where we can respond, receive constructive feedback, and provide accurate information about our Company.

This holiday week, the staff at is dedicating our time to support this fantastic campaign. Each day a member of our team will produce a video that tells, in his own words, why he is dedicated to the idea of "I Wear Red 4U!"

Today's message is from Scotty Why. Scotty is the Manager of the Online Community on He's proud to produce blogs, forums, podcasts and other content that is intended to inform, educate, interact and entertain. He enjoys what he does and thinks his work makes it easier for you to make better buying decisions. That's why Scotty Wears Red 4U.

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