Do you remember these guys:
De La Soul. They've been making music since the 1980s. Recently, they teamed up with Nike Sport Music to release "ARE YOU IN?: Nike+ Original Run", a record that is now available through iTunes for $9.99.
To promote this new project, De La Soul took to technology in true De La-fashion. Check out what one of them (Posdnous - twittername: @PlugWonDeLaSoul) is doing on Twitter:
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What stands out in all of Posdnous's posts?
Posdnous is responding...conversing...interacting...having one-on-one, personal exchanges with his fans. Aside from his time, the cost is nothing. The impact on building a dedicated fanbase is HUGE! This is such easy stuff, you have to wonder why every business in the world isn't doing it.
How many of the fans that Posdnous has connected with on this personal level will go on to buy the album?
How many of those fans will remember these connections years from now when De La Soul releases another CD?
How is a musician interacting with his fans similar to your company interacting with your customers?
What can you learn from De La Soul-cial Networking?