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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Power Of Words

Once upon a time, I worked for a company...let's call it Brand X. I loved working for Brand X. Brand X had a wonderfully creative culture and was based on an inspiring vision. The problem was, Brand X was fronted by a leader who...of all his many strong qualities...was not very good at motivating his troops. He would constantly say things like, "I need you to work harder". He was absolutely right...he did need his team to work harder if Brand X was to have any chance of survival. But instead of inspiring, his words came off as insulting and they had the exact opposite effect.

Imagine if that leader would have used words like these...

(Learn more about Sam Parker and "212: The Extra Degree")

My point is this...any good message is best told by using good words. Telling people to "work harder" is not nearly as effective as telling people that working one degree harder could be the difference between winning or losing.

Look closely at the words you use to describe your product in your marketing campaigns. Have you used good words? If not, re-write them or hire someone who is skilled at copy writing. If you have written good words, good for you. You are well on your way to D.I.Y.!

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