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Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Will You Protect Your Brand From Viral Hijacking?

Have you seen this yet?

A couple of lovely Domino's (thankfully now EX) employees were looking for YouTube fame. What they achieved instead was a viral-hijacking of Domino's basically respected brand. With this series of disgusting behind-the-pizza-oven videos, these two have levied more destruction than Pizza Hut, Little Ceasars and Papa John's combined.

Patrick Doyle (President, Domino's U.S.A) went to the web to deliver some probably too tightly-scripted damage control.

What do you think...

Did Doyle get it right?
Did he do enough to erase the negative buzz?
How would you respond if your brand was under a similar attack?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scripted videos don't have an impact in the viral world. Domino's should look to it's employees for more real, passionate responses. That would have a more wide-reaching result.